Verena Schwachmeyer

Web & App Developer



Frontend Development

  • User Interface (UI)
  • High Quality User Experience (UX)
  • Responsive Design
  • Single or Multi Page


Fullstack Development

  • Browser-Based
  • Including Functionalities
  • Frontend
  • Backend incl. Server & Database


Optimization of Operability

  • Screen Reader Usability
  • Keyboard Control
  • no Cognitive Overload
  • WCAG conformity


Balancing the requirements of:

  • Database Architecture
  • Scientific Standards
  • Easy Data Input

I undertake the development of websites and full-stack applications, encompassing databases and servers. Additionally, I am proficient in creating apps for Android devices.

Accessible websites

A particular emphasis for me is the incorporation of digital accessibility, adhering to the criteria outlined in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and BITV 2.0. Leveraging my scientific background, I can integrate medical expertise into the development of software applications within the healthcare sector. This not only facilitates the implementation of technical aspects but also ensures an optimal user experience aligned with the specific requirements of the healthcare industry. If you are interested in further information about web accessibiliy, visit the affiliate website of me and my partner on

About me

Portrait of Verena Schwachmeyer
  • 10+ years experience with various data base systems and RESTful-API interfaces
  • 100+ scripts in MATLAB coded
  • frontend expertise

I spent 12 years in clinical research as a post-doctoral fellow before I decided to complete my passion with web development. With my background as a scientist and physiotherapist, I'm not only fluent in tech-speak but also in the language of healthcare professionals and patients. Whether your project is medically related or not, feel free to get in touch, and I'll be happy to help with any subject matter.

Tech Stack

My technical stack is strategically centered around JavaScript-based technologies, with ReactJS serving as the primary library to drive dynamic and responsive user interfaces. Below, I provide a short overview of the diverse set of languages, tools, frameworks, and libraries that I have incorporated into my projects:


Some of my projects and my previous scientific work fall into intellectual property and cannot be published at this point. If you wish for more code samples, please contact me.


I created this simple one-pager website for a talented 13-year old musician, singer, and songwriter. Open in Chrome, Opera, MS Edge to see scrolling animations.

Visit Website
Linov Landing Page: background shows dark clouds in black and white.

Coding Samples

Scroll Effects

Screenshot of Scroll-Effect

Watch the moon set and sun rise. Created with pure HTML and CSS. Supported by Chrome, Opera, Edge, Webview, and SamsungInternet.

Meme Generator

Screenshot of Meme Generator

Create your own memes. Used tech stack: ReactJS, REST-API and upload/save file functions.

to-Do List

Screenshot of To-Do-List

Make notes on the fly, no biggie. Logic written in Vanilla JavaScript.
